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April 2023

  • Chris Transformation Blog

    Servion Focuses on Bringing Benefits of Transformation to Members

    On February 13, 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency approved ASTM E1527-21 as a new standard practice that meets the definition of all appropriate inquiries, making it the acceptable standard for conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). A Phase I ESA is a preliminary investigation of a property that identifies any potential or existing environmental contamination, hazardous substances or waste that could affect the value or use of the property.


  • Epas New Standard Blog

    Highlighting the EPA’s newer standard practice for environmental site assessments

    On February 13, 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency approved ASTM E1527-21 as a new standard practice that meets the definition of all appropriate inquiries, making it the acceptable standard for conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). A Phase I ESA is a preliminary investigation of a property that identifies any potential or existing environmental contamination, hazardous substances or waste that could affect the value or use of the property.


  • Marketing Strategy Le Ann Blog

    The Best Marketing Strategy

    “How do I best get the word out about what we offer? How do we NOT be the best-kept secret? What’s the very best channel to use to gain brand recognition and drive business?” There isn’t one perfect answer because there are a lot of variables at play: your market, your strategy, your budget, to name a few. So, let’s look at marketing in a different way. I’m going to highlight three areas to help you see that you already have the answer to those questions. (Spoiler Alert…It’s YOU.)


  • Importance Of Qc Blog

    The Importance of Quality Control for Mortgage Servicing

    The mortgage servicing industry plays a crucial role in the overall functioning of the housing finance system. Mortgage servicers are responsible for collecting and processing payments, managing escrow accounts, working with delinquent borrowers on loss mitigation strategies, maintaining accurate records for millions of borrowers across the country, and much more. In order to ensure that mortgage servicers are operating efficiently, effectively, and compliantly in all their procedures, quality control processes must be implemented and maintained.


  • Mncun Partnership Release Blog

    MnCUN and The Servion Group Formalize Partnership to Provide Growth Solutions

    The Minnesota Credit Union Network (MnCUN), the state’s trade association for credit unions and the Servion Group are formalizing a Strategic Alliance partnership to provide MnCUN member credit unions quality growth solutions.


  • Qc 2Nd Level Defense Blog

    Partner with Servion Quality Control to Strengthen Your Second Level of Defense

    Financial institutions and credit unions face risks when it comes to meeting investor and regulatory requirements for mortgage originations and servicing. Partnering with Servion Quality Control, an experienced mortgage quality control services provider, can help you manage these unique risks by strengthening the second level of your three lines of defense risk management framework within your organization’s compliance management system.


  • Board Reorg Release Blog

    The Servion Group Announces Annual Board Reorganization

    Servion, Inc. (dba The Servion Group), a Twin Cities-based credit union service organization (CUSO), is pleased to announce the annual reorganization of its board of directors, which includes executives from seven Minnesota credit unions.


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